Andrea Arena James
3 min readApr 15, 2021


52 and still not even to my middle age!

“60 is the new middle age.”

I’m not going to lie, when I heard these words, my heart skipped a happy beat.

We have all been sold a false bill of goods that our best life is behind us when we hit forty- we have also all bought into it.

We are told to start going to the doctor regularly, to pay special attention to our diets and add in those multi-vitamins, to start playing it safe in our retirement accounts- that time is just around the corner.

We are told that our life energy is declining by forty, that we are more vulnerable to disease, that our mental acuity isn’t as sharp.

And to support those claims, our health insurance and our life insurance premiums start that hockey stick climb that we could only wish for our stock market accounts!

AARP marketing started coming to my mailbox by the time my clock ticked mid forty.

Let’s let go of this BRULE (Bullshit Rule!)

Let’s change this now.

Renewal. Regeneration. Life. It’s time for a new paradigm.

All things lined up, the current potential, science tells us, is that we could live to 120!!!

That puts our midway point, that point at which we should actually start a long slow genetic decline, at age 60!

Imagine that for a moment and then I want you to say- IT”S POSSIBLE.

“Wait a minute!”, you say, “people I know are in full decline by the time they reach their 50’s and 60’s!”

Yes, they are, I see them too. Worse, I hear them.

“I’m 35 now, I’m getting up there in age.” “I’m forty now, guess I need to slow down, I’m old. Twenty more years is all I’ve got to really feel good. After that it’s just nothing to look forward to.”

Yet if science tells us that we have the potential to live to 120- why aren’t we changing this mindset?

And YES, it is a mindset! You create the reality that you live!

It’s not your fault really, you have been sold this mindset for generations and everything in our world supports the mindset that we are in full decline by age sixty.

Mind poison.

This mindset is simply poisoning your outlook on your potential to live a truly full life.

If you are forty now- you are just hitting your stride! Your life is just getting started!

If we all committed to changing this mindset and started living like we would live to our potential of 120- we wouldn’t be sitting on the couch in resignation in our 50’s, 60’s and 70’s!

We would have concentrated on building stronger bodies and forged a long term mindset and outlook on the life we were gifted.

In our 60 plus years, we could finally focus on what we actually dreamed of doing but didn’t because we were raising families and building our business.

What if you reimagined your life and reinvented yourself in that second half of your life?

What would you do?

What if you focussed on renewal and regeneration instead of accepting the “brule” of decline and degradation?

It’s Possible.

Change your mindset. Change your life.

Andrea Arena James Author of Happily ever Over: Breaking Up, Breaking Through and Breaking Free



Andrea Arena James

Author, speaker, health guru, relationship coach, mentor, mom of five, experiencer of life